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Year |
Person |
Event |
1916 |
Binet & Simon |
Plot performance levels against an independent variables and use the plots in test development |
1936 |
Richardson |
Derived relationship between IRT model parameters and classical item parameters, which provided an initial way for obtaining IRT parameter estimates |
1943,44 |
Lawley |
New procedures for parameter estimation |
1952 |
Lord |
Described 2-P normal ogive model, derived model parameter estimates, and considered applications of the model |
1957,58 |
Birnbaum |
Substituted the more tractable logistic models for the normal ogive model |
1960 |
Developed 3 item response models and described them in his book Probabilistic Models For Some Intelligence And Attainment Test |
1967 |
The leader and catalyst for most of the Rasch model research in the US throughout 1970s. His presentation at the ETS Invitational Conference on Testing problems served as a major stimulus for work in IRT, especially with the Rasch model. Later, his highly successful AERA Rasch model training programs contributed substantially to the understanding of the Rasch model by many researchers. |
1968 |
Lord & Novick |
Provided 5 chapters (4 of them were prepared by Birnbaum). |
1969 |
Wright & Panchapakesan |
Developed BICAL which was of immense importance because it facilitated applications of the Rasch model |
1969 |
Samejima |
Her model handled both polychotomous and continuous responses data and extended unidimensional models to the multidimensional case |
1972 |
Bock |
Contributed several important new ideas about parameter estimation |
1974 |
Lord |
LOGIST - new parameter estimation |
1974 |
Fischer |
Described his extensive research program with linear logistic models |
1976 |
Lord |
Made available LOGIST, a computer program for carrying out parameter estimation with logistic test model |
1977 |
Baker |
Comprehensively reviewed parameter estimation methods |
1977 |
Journal of Educational Measurement - Special issue of IRT applications |
1979 |
Wright & Stone |
Best Test Design - described the theory underlying the Rasch model, and many promising applications |
1980 |
Lord |
Applications to Item Response Theory to Practical testing Problems - 3P IRT model |
1980 |
Weiss |
Proceedings of the 1979 Computerized Adaptive Testing Conference |
1982 |
Lord |
(at ETS) 2ed LOGIST |
Summary based on Hambleton & Swaminathan (1985) |