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این کتاب مقدمه ای بر روش فضای قاعده است که دارای 10 فصل و 344 صفحه است. در زیر فهرست محتوای این کتاب ارائه شده است:
1.Dimensionality of Test Data and Aberrant Response Patterns.
2.Parametric Person-fit Statistics, Zeta z and Generalized Zetas z1,... zm.
3.Cognitive Modeling by Developing an Incidence Matrix Q.
4.Knowledge Space generated from a Q-matrix.
5.A Classification Space: Rule Space as a Cartesian Product of the Person Parameter q in Item Response Theory, z and Generalized Zetas.
6.Classification Rules.
7.Rule Space Decision Rules and Attribute Mastery Probabilities.
8.Posterior Probabilities with Different Prior Probabilities and Their Effect on the Attribute Mastery Probabilities.
9.Reliability of Items, Persons, and Their Relationship to the Classical Test Theory.
10.Validation of Attributes, a Q-Matrix Coded by the Involvement of Attributes to Items and a Test.
Invite Link: https://t.me/joinchat/AAAAAECgmE7jKdENSESJfQ